Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Meditations all involve one thing

The quieting of our familiar minds

The minds that ponder earth’s realities

With little thought to all that lies behind


What lies behind of course is Consciousness

The province of all of the universe

To access this our minds need quieting


The universe is made of energy

The very thing that creates you and me

In quietness we find the wider place

That can infuse our lives with love and grace


We need not value what the crowd commends

Meditation tells us what is true

We’re meant to transcend all that’s mean and small

The crowd may lead but we need not pursue

We meditate and find a better way

And finally we learn to treat life as a play


So quietness is part of growing up

And meditation is enlargement of our scope

When we remove our minds from needless noise

We find a way to sanity and poise

We learn to control things that hobble us

We find the simplest answers lie in love


Consciousness knows right and transcends wrong

We learn to do the same thing before long

We learn the peace of life, breathing along

We follow prompts that turn our days to song


Sometimes all we do is meditate

We’re always open to this quiet state

We overcome our once familiar enemies

And learn to live lives of general ease

Empowered by these silent reveries


Nothing about us is without reason

Our nervous youthful fears can help us grow

Our heartbreaking events are turning points

Our futures are best seen as transitions

Reason that’s heartful is our life’s reward


Let’s give three cheers for that old childish mind

And find good ways to leave what’s past behind



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!