Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readJul 31, 2019


Past Trinity is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

To most it’s mainly Father, Son

But now things are in transition

God’s minimized if one of three

Christianity’s all chopped up

Besides, the “Son” is minimized as well


The Holy Ghost or Spirit’s a good problem

It has to do with transforming us

It sees that we are flexible

Spirit is central to everyone

Way beyond creeds and religion


Religions are deep in transition

They only have one thing to say

Same thing in San Francisco or Bombay

We’re all creations of the same Creator God

Our prayers are answered by the God of all

For most there is no God except when things get tough


Religions will survive as practical spirituality

Divisive creeds and moral codes have had their day


The Trinity of old may not survive

Christian theology needs re-imagining

It’s future is spreading triadic thought

Conscious, aware of Reality

Aware of Jesus as the Cosmic Christ

Aware the world grows ever more heavenly


And, yes, a new Trinity may rise

It may feel like God, and Christ, and All

The Spirit Light in every soul on earth

Christ Consciousness, the highest frequency for us

The Guru legacy will be the way we practice daily lives

DIY and universal, product of a great awakening


God, non-judging universal love

Christ. beacon of freedom, forgiveness, and

Our universal Guide


Each person knowing of their higher self

Each person knowing that we do not die

Each making empathy a goal

Each living with the thought of being whole


God in all persons, Christ leading all, us wakening

Heaven inspired, heaven bound



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!