Reparations and the Speed of Sound

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Moses thought he might take up the charge

even unified as he was

he could see all the way to the ending

every tear shed every indignity

for Lord knows he had failed once

and here in heaven he still felt an itch

a little bit like Chairman Mao

and the repentant Augustine

and many other civilized mobsters

a people set up to be killed

and then be killed again


but would she listen if he spoke

and could he even start to reach her

what would be his message

there is no recourse now

only echoes of a new division

yanking eyes back but still they cannot see

the vanishing of preciousness


there is a small space in the cosmos

where heaven still has room to breathe

look there it is

the executioners

still have suits and ties

the enemy

they keep dying and then come back

do not play their game

the cost to their souls equals many reparations


sure everyone sees

injustice rules

uncanny how they do it


it will not end

this is beyond your simple knee jerk binary

the other side is knee deep in apocalyptic dreaming

first in Iran then back to home turf to kick butt and feel secure again


they control the declension/notice when they must/if you offered them a simple plan they would refuse/not the way it was

don’t try to play our game

keep on with the charade


don’t talk of rights

we’re playing hardball now

it’s crap but we are stuck

we never had the habits to begin with dammit

swear all you want

we’ll still be playing make believe


you always did

you always took the beautiful pathway

and truth prevailed


you don’t want this

we are the damned ones

you’ve known it from the start

we get too close and then we separate

we leave the rest to sweet amnesia

indulging our love

better than our resolving it


there is a way Tom Sawyer knew it

i guess you tried it and i guess it failed

so rich, and so blessed/so misunderstood/Fannin Street blues


take me/I don’t matter/stop looking
there ain’t nothing here

Yes, you are!

and you want in

and it will happen soon

but not as expected

there is a zombie factor in arrears


at least there’ll be no bleeding

i’m all envy

you should have seen me back then


bullets killed beloved community

reparations was too honest to be real

it came back for a while as a conversation piece

while money came in wheel barrows to the unknown

i don’t know what happened to whatever was the end

no one said an end was in the cards

for that matter there may be no time

that’s not eternity


blessed are the color blind

who will die happily for any

and no longer can contain rage



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!