Rich Kelley Chronicles 1 — Do People Get What They Want?

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



The uniqueness of individuals should be taken for granted. All it takes is knowing that salient fact. Try to find an exception.

Rich Kelley is an individual who, to me, suggests worlds of insight. I am an individual on a lifelong quest for truth. A match made in cyberspace.

Two drifters, off to parse reality, (apologies, Johnny Mercer). Reality? It’s Pilgrim’s Progress. Or in more contemporary terms, Consciousness.


We create our future by clearing away negative presuppositions and expressing true desires. LOVE POWER is the sign of Consciousness. This means desiring good for others as we seek it for ourselves. The neighbors we should love are everyone.

Rich is a near death survivor who still feels the absolute love that experience can create. The world is a virtual amusement park to Rich, not a school. He agrees that we get what we want.

When we fail to get what we desire, we must be honest. We cannot succeed in our wishes if part of us says they’re impossible, bad, scarce, harmful, or beyond reach.


The reason a common quest for money fails, according to Rich, is we “introduce an element of chance into that process.”

“To go to the usual extreme case, we all will say we want money, yet hold the programmed belief that it is rare, scarce, and hard to come by.”

“We make it unlikely to get what we want. We end up only with a possibility of having what we wanted.”

To succeed, the whole of us must be involved. Our quest must be conscious and aware. And whatever it is we should desire it for everyone. When we say bring me good fortune we say bring the world good fortune.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!