Out of the penumbra the order we seek

Right Reason

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2015


Right reason in Triadic Philosophy is reason which resonates with what is right. What is right is the prevention of harm so that the positive values of Triadic Philosophy can flourish.

These positives include self respect, critical thinking and being responsible.

They graduate to contributing to the community and championing tolerance, helpfulness and democracy.

They ascend to non-idolatry and arrive at expressing truth and beauty and being loving and free.

I am continually impressed by how easily this seraphic staircase can be characterized as part of a Monty Python send-up. “What else have you got up your goodness sleeve?”

But the context for this consideration is a move to a world which does consider, in visceral awareness, the things that make for good and the things that do not.

Because this is so, it is key to defend these values as achievable results of human will and decisiveness. They are the viaticum that our world needs for its journey to a stage where the goals before all are truth and beauty founded on goodness.

Only as right reason — understood thus — spreads, will the world benefit.

Peirce: CP 2.7 Cross-Ref:††

Note: Though I am offering portions of this voluminous collection of Peirce reflections in order, I am referencing only those which contain a complete thought that resonates with my comprehension which goes under the name of Triadic Philosophy.

7. … Namely, logic is the theory of right reasoning, of what reasoning ought to be, not of what it is…. It would be easy enough — much too easy — to marshal a goodly squadron of treatises on logic, each of them swelled out with matter foreign to any conceivable applicability until, like a corpulent man, it can no longer see on what it is standing, and the reader loses all clear view of the true problems of the science. But since the relation of the theory of logic to conceivable applications of it will, by and by, come up for closer examination, we need not now consider it further.

Stephen C. Rose is the author of Triadic Philosophy . He writes daily on Medium . His books are available on Kindle . Twitter is the center of his activities online.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!