Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The Seventh Frequency is wonderful

There is no more physicality to distract us

Our minds are free to commune with Pure Spirit

And we can start to realize the essence of manifestation

This essence is its anchorage in Spirit

The energy we take in at Seven is pure


Capable of lifting us past selfhoods we have known


So say 7 PURE SPIRIT and be there

Everything up from here on up is Pure Spirit

The realms are a bit more rarified

Each has its own character

Only after we are quite familiar with the way

From 5 to 6 through 7

Can we enlarge awareness of the manifold

This is pure Self work you must do

It is something all can do

It’s the elementary move from bodily existing

To the flexiblity of Spirit life

We’ll get there

By charitable practice

Be good to yourself


Unconcerned for measurable wonders

Not to be trumpet as display

We’re Spiritual yes

But there’s no need to shout

By now you’re fully aware that YOU is all that matters



Royal Rising

Freely Flying

Happy Landing

Love Power

Love Energy

It is time to

Let Love Energy wash over you

And to be bathed in Divine Love

Mantras for 7 and beyond

Breathing in Divine Energy

I Am Bathed in Divine Love



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!