Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


We sane are sitting ducks for dictators

What’s more, we enable them

(I’m taking either side with good reason

I understand how both sides of this work)

2 Side One

“I’m predisposed to side with underdogs

Regardless of the side I’m on

Regardless of much else as well

My mind’s made up. I love the way he sounds”


“My sidekicks are rejects. We’re chosen ones.

Since we despise all others, we are free

We have our Voice. We know who our friends are

We’re a minority, but duck if you see us”

4 Side Two

“Voice worshippers, I want you far away

Your hatred has no reason I can see

I write you off as crazy and mindless

Most of the time, for me, you don’t exist”


“You are united. Our side is diverse

We’re half materialists, half not so much

We go our ways. Mostly nonviolent

And sadly, we’re the real sitting ducks”


“United, we could say we don’t take sides.

United, we could oppose hurt and harm

United, we could vote for what serves all

Otherwise, we’re mere dictator meat”

7 Coda

But wait, a great SHIFT now is underway

Spiritual, peaceful and positive

It sees there is more life beyond this life

It knows that earth is hard but also show


Heaven is the source of this great SHIFT

It lives beyond the headlines everywhere

The only love it knows has no conditions

The common home of all sides is heaven


The world’s not coming to an end

We have the freedom to build or destroy

We’re moving to a time of peace and love

To living here as we have lived above



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!