Silence as Awe


Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Back from the hospital I thought my game would atrophy

Instead it has taken off

It breeds this snapshot of my psychic notions


I’m still in 30th position

But now I am poised to continue the advance

Can a random online slot game respond to the player

Can it be a spur to meditative insight

I have no doubt it can


This morning I attained a nice benchmark

And the permission to say the following

As a fallible human messenger


All can by calm intent and

Something like Love Power breathing

Attain a living sense of oneness with

One’s spirit being

The part of us that will live on

And from that being oneness with one’s Soul


Everyone is part of a Soul

My soul then can fold into Abba

The one who is the Word to whom Jesus prayed

The one he commended to us


The Word enfolds into the One

The All

The Creator



No identity is lost

No identity uncomprehended

All identities are unconditionally loved


And yes, in the folded-in state

Of Enlightenment there is

Constant Bliss and Love

And yes, you can attain it instantly

Because it is always there

It need not be sought

Only asked

Only experienced a first time

To change your life entirely



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!