Spectrum Anthropology

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readFeb 9, 2018





When we are in our rightful minds, on Abba’s Way, we are a spectrum, primal to sublime. It’s just the way we’re made. This means we’re neither good nor bad nor any other either-or.

A spectrum implies motion from one end to the other. It also implies that within any possible action there are positives and negatives. It humbles us into an admission of profound ignorance regarding causes and effects.

Abba makes the spectrum infinite. Which is why our possibilities are unlimited. Every miracle counted by Jesus’ enemies as blasphemy is now within our power. Every evil that has ever been conceived is also now within our grasp. Our choices remain the most precious, potentially redemptive, potentially lethal, connection to Abba that we have. Which is why the most sure prelude to lethal violence is the evisceration of choice by our exercise of power over others. Or others over us.

So the paradox is that our world seems fallen and we fall short day and night. But when we are on Abba’s Way. we are freed from the deleterious self-condemnation that is the product of our fallen state. Fallen, we rise. Impaired, we live.

We overcome because Abba lifts us up. We know the lifting when we seek and find Abba. We know the lifting when we remember that Abba answers our asking. We know the lifting when the door we knock in Abba’s name is opened. Even if someone has no consciousness of these things, Abba is at work.

Triadic thinking integrates Abba’s Way and #cybercommunities into a unified whole. Here are some gateways.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!