Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Believe me, the spirit-world is far ahead of your world in the arts and sciences and in all manner of conveniences. Why my friends, yours is the shadow, and this is the real world.

We live in the shadow world for sure

Lives here test souls past power to endure

But when we return home, we recall

We are Souls — unified with all


If we learn that lesson while we’re here

We may well move on when back there

Still there are many who will miss the mark

It falls to all to find Light past the dark


The other side is this world far advanced

Thought-responsive, faculties enhanced

Poised to see good triumph on our earth

Longing to see us prove out our worth


This is the first offering from a classic collection of spirit voices (bolded above) and related observations

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Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!