Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Apr 19, 2022


What works are values like bliss, joy and love

Wisdom and and happiness

Moving ahead

Moving above

These generalities

Are summaries

Of best experience

Reminders of

What matters most


We’d like to fall in love

Each day we live

But if we ever have

We will remember it

Summoning wonders

From our past

Giving them timeless words

To help sustain us

Through harder times


There is no Heaven time

All’s now, they say

But here in our Earth home

Time gives us memories

Savor those moments

When joy rose within you

Cling, cling to them

Most readily

Cling when your skies turn



Stick with what works

Bliss, joy, freedom and love

They tell us of

Those timeless times

We’ve known

There is no going back

We still keep moving on

Armed with the timelessness

Of wondrous words



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!