stomach ache

Erin Louise Huxley
Everything Comes
Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2016
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guts grumble:

it happens more often than I would like
for a plethora of humdrum reasons

a new bacterium decides the walls of my colon
are a fantastic place to set up shop

an upsurge of stress creates a tidal wave
that rushes with tsunami like strength through my innards

that curry I ate for lunch scorched some cells
and now they’re in full scale rebellion

the worst though, without a doubt,
is when inadequacy creeps like an unwanted
poison up from my marrow

medulla ossium flava and deficiency get along famously, didn’t you know?

it leaches into villi and mixes with enzymes
creating a surprising potent blend
of unease and envy

guts rumble, and sometimes I swear
my heart burns too

can someone give me some Pepto for that?

