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Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


The drowning man was supine in the water
It almost seemed he was not there
My brother was the first to see him move
That was when we turned our craft his way

The Trappists on the shore walked peacefully
Oblivious I think
I wonder did he cry
We hauled him up
He did not speak or move
We tied up at the Trappist’s dock

It took an hour to get some help
The inert man spoke not a word
Only some sounds too weak
as if his body was his only voice

Later we talked about the Trappists
How do you do when you don’t speak?
Does Jesus care if someone’s drowning
Can rules be bent to save a life

Such matters seem so simple
the chain we made was filled with chance
We could have missed him or not found a way
How did he get there anyway

Later snow blind I crossed an unknown road
Scooted through an inch from certain death

What was just was
Now should I give it rhyme
the words will fade and die
unless they come alive
in other minds

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Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!