Stumbled did I, on an antique tool.

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readJul 26, 2019


My son Stephen sells eggs, makes things from wood, and carries on his craft of professional photography on the island of Nevis, Alexander Hamilton’s birthplace. I did not know until recently that he has poetic ability. The following regards an actual tool which once belonged to a great uncle of mine, a hardy Ohioan who died at 100. When I asked if I could share this, he said yes.

My Old Tool

by Stephen F. Rose

Stumbled did I, on an antique tool.

It lay under a chisel in my rusty tool box.

This vintage gadget had taken some knocks.

For years and years this tool worked like an ox.

I had finally found this multiple-use jewel.

I thought, have I been a fool?

Made in 1904, over 100 years old, forged iron, wood handle,

showing years of scars,

it is a Kelly Ax-Hammer and could tell some tales.

The ax still hacks tough vines.

The hammer chips cement and bangs in loose nails.

Photo by Stephen F. Rose

Find your old tools and keep them safe. Sharpen the machete, file the ax,

hone the chisels, and oil the blades, with no regrets; do not be lax.

These old tools will be used, not just by you, but by your son, grandson,

great-grandson and great granddaughter.

Even though, we all will pass, a good tool can last forever.

Now my favorite tool is back in my rusty tool box. I sadly say, and not in a shy way,

I wish I found the old tool sooner. Now I know, old tools are the rule.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!