Success Formula for Those Facing A Premature Demise

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I do not make promises of stupendous success. Pursue at your own risk.

If you know your present mode of living and acting will do you in, take a walk.

Breathe in four counts, hold four, breathe out hold four, hold four. Repeat at will. .

Say to yourself: “Cancel my debts. I cancel all owed me.” Repeat at will.

Repeat: “Blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings, blessings on our way. Gently moving forward.”

Your sign is the word that comes up when you think of what you are doing that can/will do you in prematurely.

Name your sign.

Say to your self: “Beauty is truth, truth beauty.”

Ask yourself regarding your sign: Can you tolerate it? Does it help you? Does it teach? Does it enable you? Will it help you be a citizen of the world?

Consider your answers.

Repeat slowly: “Freedom” “Love” “Justice”

Say to yourself: “Non-idolatry”

THEN MEDITATE BRIEFLY on what has transpired.

This can be talking to yourself or Jesus, etc. Receive counsel.

Do this daily, considering signs as they arise, in a walk that from 15 to 30 minutes. Become the master of your own life.
Access your own consciousness.

PERFORM an expression or action that resonates with your consideration.

Repeat at will — at least daily. Always consider the sign that comes up at the time.

This is not a formula for suppressing ego. It sees evil as harm (of self and/or others) and hurt primarily. The cancel my debts part can be replaced with any prayer that seeks forgiveness from reality in exchange for your act of forgiving.

Always perform an action and/or expression that rises from your consideration.

The cancel my debts part can be replaced with any prayer that seeks forgiveness from reality in exchange for your act of forgiving.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!