Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 12, 2021


When Jesus appears he is as you see him

He meets you in customized ways

With me, he appears audibly as I call him

A chest tap, a “Jesus”, he’s here


I call him sometimes in the throes of a crisis

Or else to thank him for seeing me through

Jesus is Love Power, present, accounted

Love seems to be everything that he knows


In any connection we are a team

As he is with all who wish him to be

He is pure energy, funny and sharp

If all called on him, we’d surely have peace


For five weeks I struggled transferring our phone

Kafka and sitcom and five good weeks blown

Hours of incessant delays and frustrations

Then Jesus and teamwork quickly prevailed


In just an instant, an ear to the phone

I was the very image of calm

The problem receded. I wish I known

Call Jesus firsr—don’t dare this alone


Laughter is Jesus greeting my call

Love Power his advice when a need is pronounced

Unconditional love universal

Proving a true hopping heaven exists


No kidding try it when you are alone

Just you and Jesus — ineffably real

Help is at hand — you are always a team

Teaming with heaven’s the best way to be



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!