Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 12, 2019


Telepathy is the currency of consciousness

It is one way that we communicate

It one way spirits speak to us

Consciousness Peirce understood

Is feeling pure and simple

I think it’s stored stored in semiotic waves

Known as dark matter to the misnomer crowd

I am not a scientist but I surmise in my way

I cannot do addition but I know some things add up


Telepathy requires having a heart

By which I mean a focus placed on your heart

So you can feel as you would feel

A similar focus on your head or feet

It comes mainly in sleep I think

In quietness

But it may be vastly more than we can realize


My sense is Heaven operates en masse

To save us from detours we did not plan

And help us to sidestep a dismal end


I am not talking sound communication

But implicit communication across consciousness

When frequencies are such that

Speech will not avail

Sounds won’t process

I am talking about feelings about everything

From everywhere


Telepathy is consciousness


Whatever is expressed

By anyone or anything


I’m sure none of this will be accepted

But I don’t write without a prompt

I honor Peirce his certainty and weirdness

I honor all who speak for consciousness

I honor those who unify with reason

I honor logic that is good

(There is no bad logic

But that’s another matter)


There done

In quietness somewhere

Go listen

For someone

Or something



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!