Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Templeton Foundation spends millions on things like free will

Does it exist or not? There are as many answers as there are dollars to spend

I smile for I know there is free will

It is my will and I speak for no other

I operate with the following understanding

My life is based on free choice

Everything I do that has results comes from my choice

Now if The Templeton Bazaar wants to say my choice was made

By one of 100 factors that have to do with deterministic notions

I will say, “That may be but I made the choice regardless.

Even if my choice was shared with a father or mother, if I live by it, I own it.”

I will refute every deterministic argument with a simple statement

I am a conscious Soul like everyone else on Earth

Conscious Souls are divinely free

So you can put me in the category with those who cleave to Spiritual truth

Whether a decision was made seconds before

Whether it was attributed to forces that were there when I emerged from the womb

No matter what

I am fundamentally spirit

What survives in me when I return to my true Home will enable me to make conscious decisions there that remain free because they are mine

I emphatically reject the physicalist answer to any questions involving freedom

I have given a good answer for free

Since It applies to all Souls it is universal

Since there is a Source or God who made all natural life we can infer that freedom is inherent in all created beings

To deny a person’s freedom is next to killing that person

To deny Democracy and one vote per person is a serious limitation of freedom

The premises stated here are anathema to materialists but that says nothing about their sagacity

It takes only an honest look within by anyone to at least honor what is said as admissible in any discussion of free will.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!