Thai Cave Rescue

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 6, 2018

Triadic tends to start with last resorts.

When there’s a third way that sometimes makes sense.

I have no on-scene knowledge to go on.

Triadic tends to start with last resorts.

When there’s a third way that sometimes makes sense.

I have no on-scene knowledge to go on.

But I have heard one option is to drill down from the mountain that sits on the cave. If this would work it should be started now.

Things work in ways binary cannot see. There is another thought. That weather could recede and help alleviate the present growing fears.

If drilling started, weather might respond. That is a quantum possibility. A reward of sorts.

Drilling from above is just a sentence in a story I read half a world away. But it leaped out as the right answer. Not because it’s guaranteed to work. But as a proper symbol of concern.

This story must hang upon indirection. It is a puzzle binary can’t resolve.

Drill away.

And seek that weather change.

Triadic tends to start with last resorts.

When there’s a third way that sometimes makes sense.


The video above is nice and long if you are one who enjoys this chant as an impulse or background. OM is a way of saying that love rules the entirety of what we live and that we are hear to learn. We are also free. Life is a school.


A hopefully helpful progression for initial writing, posting, sharing and expanding, video creation. And at the end of the line, archiving of texts and monetization.

Commaful. Twitter. Here. YouTube. Kindle.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!