The answer hit me yesterday

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJan 6, 2017


The answer hit me yesterday

I was at the AT&T shop to complain about my charges. The answer was already there but it got clearer.

Corporate work is a charade. Oh, it is real. The charade part is that it masquerades as work. What it actually is, or more is, as there are no absolutes, is entitlement. When you have gone through the drill, whatever it is, debt, internships, abasement, brainwashing, you are finally ACCEPTED.

Once accepted you are toast from the standpoint of being a person. You are a player in the charade. And you can be released and that is not a good thing. As any displaced CORPORATE REJECT can tell you. (Awkward.)

The charade is about supporting the upward mobility growth model of capitalist corporatism in which you become a NYT poster child for absorbing all the ways you can move up. Reading T Magazine will justify time spent big time. Imbibe veneer. Succeed. This society works on entitlement.

And basically its what you will buy, pay for, consume, and thereby improve the performance of your employer(s).

How a corporation can escape this pattern is more or less obvious. It can’t. And worse, everything else out there mimics the corporate entitlement mode. Do not think that going non-profit or even government will save you.

There is a way out but it involves thinking about foundational violence and the binary basis for the corporate model. It involves thinking triadic. It involves a shift in thought away from all two-sided concepts to one that nests options sequentially forever and is always fallible and never perfect.

It involves basic income. There is nothing wrong with UNIVERSAL entitlement. It involves science attending to effects of expression and action. It involves the resurrection of the individual and the conscious creation of how we live, of communities. It involves deriving from the likes of Peirce, Wittgenstein and others the need to tiptoe into an era where the only reality is values and the only concern is how those values play out in effects.

There are no shortcuts. Oh there is one. Stop thinking in binary terms and follow the dots to the triad Reality, Ethics, Aesthetics.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!