Like all other virtues it depends n its context — Falstaff

The Climate Change Message Will Not Fly

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2017


Another exile tweet

“The world can afford to become free of fossil fuels. It cannot afford to fail. We have the tools to do the job. All we need is the political will and the right road-map.”

Yes this is to a four-minute Medium read courtesy of Buffer software which enables such transit and shortens the URLs.

Russia and China have already decided that the cost of their doing global business for the foreseeable future is well worth the pain it will bring. We are going to have a great wandering of millions and millions all over the world, running or drowning to escape the what we shall call the US-China Armageddon. Both these monster economies are the products of dictatorship — in the US the result of a skewed democracy which in this century has deferred to the the deep state GOP Military Industry SCOTUS-supported by the fortuitous comedy show which arrived unbidden under the auspices of Donald Trump. In China Mr. Xi seems to be victorious over the universal urge to self rule and free choice. The Chinese seem docile in the face of his iron rule. We shall see in both cases how things go.

But the clear thing is that all our sane messages about climate change are not effective in bringing about the results environmentalists say they want. Is there a solution. That requires stopping and thinking. The answer is disarmingly simple.

It is called action. We will solve our present China America problem by determining pataphysical means of saying no. WHAT?

“‘Pataphysics is indeed becoming an international quasi-science. Affiliated organisations have sprung up all over the world, even in Mongolia. The London Institute of ‘Pataphysics has more than 100 fee-paying members, if no formal premises. Mostly artists, they engage in regular activities that can only be described as outrageously pretentious. There’s a Committee of Hirsutism and Pogonotrophy determined on fertilising their beards, a Department of Reconstructive Archaeology building model time machines based on Jarry’s writing and, best of all, the Department of Pottasons whose project is to satirise the other projects. Quite what the members themselves make of their organisation is difficult to tell. They seem to see their philosophy as an elaborate pose while at the same time affording it a beguiling degree of gravity. Though perhaps, deep down, it is merely a sign of respect for a long dead playwright.”

Another way of saying it is that we will have this revolution by dolce far niente. Or amor fati. Or Guy Grand.

Putting the what cannot be said into words is what we are discussing.

Call it an effective way of moving the climate change message into an effective way of saying to US and China —no.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!