The comments label this propaganda?
The comments label this propaganda? How about irrelevant? I am almost sorry I walked out of the UN after 9/11. I tried to get back after Obama got elected. But I am very happy that I had these years to reflect. My reflections tell me that there is only one thing to push for and that all else good and true will follow. The push should be for global democratic revolution. It should and I hope will be from the people. It will be for basic income, vast reductions of national power over us all and the creation of a world where movement and most everything else is free.
We will solve nothing until we see each of ourselves as boss and our so-called public-servants as just us with suits on. In other words, no distinctions of any sort. Save one, being nonviolent, largely-silent messengers of the values required to jettison the binary wreckage of what we have, for 2K years and more, called civilization. The values are tolerance, democracy and helpfulness. Their root is non-idolatry. They will spawn a new vanguard for whom justice, truth and beauty are the end we all seek, post communist, post capitalist and past the atrociously-named neo-liberalism.
I know where most of the people who think they know what to do are coming from. It isn’t the future. Until we can say “us” and mean everyone, the future is in abeyance.