Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


“The feeling of negative emotion is a positive reminder of what I actually know to be true, which is the power of goodness, which is all there is and only what is.” — AUGUST GOFORTH

Goodness is the bedrock power of God

It resonates through all the Cosmic Sea

It permeates our minds with Holy truth

It is the only power that’s meant to be


When we feel wrong we learn how goodness rules

The powers of love and justice go to work

We receive signs that will warn us of wrongs

And help us see where all the dangers lurk


Still we are free to be fools if we wish

All Souls possess that sacred liberty

But there’s a better way called consciousness

We go inside and say that Goodness rules


How so, you say? Look at our history

We know what’s good, but we let evil win

But deep within us we let blindness go

And see the Heavening of Earth begin


The Heavening of Earth has always been

But each new Soul develops differently

In time all learn beyond all that occurs

The Ultimate is all that we shall see



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!