Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


This is a new summation of an underlying understanding. For more Google> “Triadic Philosophy Stephen C. Rose Kindle”

It cannot be said too often or in too many ways.

In terms of identifying us, we are I, We, and All.

I is first because it is our unique Soul.

We is our known community extending as far as we sense it.

All is all creation and can include all forms of life and all of Nature.

In any form of conscious self-revelation, there is no question that I is primary. “I am” and “I know who I am” are key affirmations. To be self-absorbed is a good thing. Where I becomes problematic is when we regard life as centering only on our self-interests. The I We All protocol guards against a life that is not balanced. Such a life misconstrues existence.

When We move from I to We, we acknowledge the communal nature of existence. Only then does love have meaning. Love requires and thrives in community. We need to include We in all affirmations and prayers.

No less important is moving to All. When we affirm All, we assume our entire Identity.

I know who I am.

We know who we are.

All know who All are.

We are individuals, most certainly. But we are also part of a community. Beyond that, we are part of the All, of the Universe, of Spirit, if you will.

Accepting this is an act of liberation. We reject the selfishness and prejudice of exclusive attention to the I. We reject exclusive attention to our communities. And we grow by affirming that everything known and unknown, the entire Universe, is lifted every time we affirm “All know who All are”.

Underlying I and We and All is freedom.

We are free when we see that we are individually, communally, and universally persons who choose, at every moment. what we will do, what we feel and think, what our disposition will be. Freedom allowing consciousness to reveal itself as an endless field of possibilities.

I, We, and All is the affirmation of ourselves as fully who we are and of who we can and will be.

This can be said in many ways. It is the foundation of what I call Triadic Philosophy.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!