Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Your Heavenly intentions, what are they

Assume you’ll need to have a word to say

You might have your mind set on a pet

So you say Sugar, or whatever, just a name


That’s a better strategy than nothing

Because heaven is all about intent

Honest feeling you might blurt out quickly

No way to be two-faced in that place


I’ve asked a trick question in some respects

It’s mainly when you’re going from here to there

Once you’re there, your free choice can’t go wrong

Intention rules. You love and you are free


But let’s say that you are lost in fear or pain

Say you meet some bumps along your way

Then speaking an intent that helps you move

“Forgiveness”, or the name of someone there

Or “Guidance”, or “The Light”, your deepest prayer


The main objective is that you decide

As you progress, of course intents will change

There is an ecstasy that you might choose

That moves you past all levels you could dream


To think of death as a finality

As termination of your own body

Hardly reflects a true experience

Skepticism is most natural

But even skeptics can see common sense


But just in case you’re short on proof

Investigate the subject on YouTube

Give TV a rest and devote time

To near-death, afterlife, and seeking truth



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!