Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


“When I am aligned with Source, or as could be said, consciously aware of Source, then I consciously enter the Kingdom of Source, or the Realm of Source, or simply, Source. I discover, or more accurately, remember, that I have inherited this kingdom and everything in it, without requirements, without chores or assignments or duties or tests, without question.

“In this experiential realm of eternal newness and nowness I can discern and feel my inextricable beingness, my newness and my nowness — my immortality — which is the infinity of all there is, and only is, giving rise to the indescribable feeling of Everlasting Peace, the inexplicable understanding of Never-ending Knowing, and the delectable, unsolvable awe of The Mystery of Life.” — AUGUST GOFORTH

Awareness is alerted consciousness

About to touch the Source of all that is

The Source that powers the entirety

And cares for all the things we tend to miss


This Source enables us to go as far

As every hope and dream we might desire

We only need to set our feelings free

Till we encounter Source’s mystery


A life in which we live eternally

Where joy and bliss are daily happenings

And freedom lifts from us all cares and woes

And we are lost in songs that Heaven sings


Beyond the tumult everlasting peace

Beyond the teardrops love that will not cease



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!