Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 17, 2019


The nature of the universe depends on how you define it

Nature means “kind” or “sort”

The definition we can infer is that

The Universe is the Source of which we are part

The Source is, in its pure essence, Light and Love

The Source embraces, and is, all there is

The Source moves

The Source grows

The Source is energies, frequencies, mind, and heart

The Source is the Universe


Consciousness is how Source functions

Consciousness is a universal communication-information system

It is matter, most of which cannot be seen by us

It is the semiotic stuff of the universe and is everywhere


The Source is embarked on a mission of learning and knowing

We infer from our experience that this learning and knowing leads to progress

We also infer that Earth and other areas of the universe are involved in the evolutionary work of improving the whole

We are all on a moral adventure involving freedom and love. Our ethics and aesthetics are informed by our free choice of love that is unconditional throughout the universe


The Source pervades consciousness

It is best described by words we call ontological — words which are universal and which apply to every being


We are all conscious members of whatever word we use to describe the Source

As human beings, we occupy the front line in the achievement of progress and growth and evolution

When we show forth inventive choices that lead to progress we are manifesting the unconditional love that lies at the center of the morality of Source


The Universe is vast and includes realms which we know through contact that has been constant over time

We cannot describe these realms save by our experience of them

We do not die

As parts of Source, we achieve our mission here and return to soul realms

We make progress

We move always toward the endless essence of Source

There are no fixed limits



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!