The Opportunity of Technology

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 12, 2019


By technology I mean the confluence of science and inventiveness

I mean to imply curiosity and confidence and a willingness

To stare problems in the face


For the sake of us all

STOP joining hands in a beseeching mode and

Going negative

As do most efforts to solve things


I mean that we are thinking beings and we are using a limited portion

Of mental power

To create solutions that merely add to the problems that science and inventiveness

Exist to solve

The notion that we can solve pollution by battery power is a glaring case in point


Or take the reality of the world becoming parched

I mean turned into a waterless mess

Seven minds with confidence and imagination and a blank check

Could solve this outside the box of insistence that this conform with our no solutions economy

This conformity is menacing the future

The suppression of freedom is palpable

It is why artists are being driven from cities and homeless are left to be bludgeoned to death

Kill the aesthetic and you create billionaire-zombies


Einstein and Tesla lead the A Team in heaven

In the frequency realm where they are now

They are working all the time to get us onto a creative solutions track


Here we thrive on distraction and chaotic attention to nothing

The incessant effort to create more of the same

Public narcosis

The zombies need to wake up and transform themselves into human beings

Mega dollars need a better resting place than where they go now


Fortunately I am wrong

These words are changing the trajectory

I am not alone

The trajectory will change until

Solutions are efficacious

Thought is creative

Ideas are beautiful

We will deal a death blow to the contorted manner

We enable by calling retro new

And amassing false profits


The world to come

Is on the way



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!