‘The poor, Jesus, the poor’ from “The Adventures of the Teen Jesus Part Two”

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Jesus was sixteen. He knew that the time immediately before him would introduce him to what he could only see as a learning process, a time of preparing for a life that would represent Abba not simply as one who is at hand and available to all, but focused on an agenda, a program or a way of living.

That idea made him alert and interested.

He was nearing the customary area where he and Abba had talked for almost ten years. Jesus spoke with Abba all the time but there was a mutual sense that this place was special.

If Jesus had been asked to remember all that had taken place between him and Abba for all the years that had passed, he would have thrown up his hands. He had a good memory but he knew, with a twinge of embarrassment, that he had forgotten things, that he had asked the same question more than once and that, when it came to Abba, he needed to have continuing contact and see every moment as now, as a prelude to the future.

Now was what mattered.

“Jesus,” Abba began. “Today is your birthday. And today you will start to learn my way of happiness. Let me tell you what this is all about.”

“Please,” Jesus answered.

“It is about telling people I am at hand, ready to speak with anyone who calls on me, and that I am doing everything possible to create a huge movement of the world toward happiness.”

“A huge movement?” Jesus asked.

“I am not going to deny anyone’s freedom. I know there will be all manner of rejection. But I am going to set forth, through you Jesus, the precise things that must happen for happiness to take root.”

“I am all ears.”

“Good. Good. Do you know what a mustard seed is?”

“I think so.”

“What does that seed do?”

“What do you mean?”

“What does it do?”

“It grows.”


“I don’t know.”

“Well believe me, Jesus, the miracle of that growth, the power of all seeds, is beyond the understanding of virtually everyone. But it is the very power that I am going to help, through you, to unleash on the world. And the word for that power, as it is realized, will be happiness.”


“Yes, because it will reverse the terrible suffering and mournful daily living of the bulk of people. It will open up their own power which exceeds that of a mustard seed. A power to create happiness. Can you believe that, Jesus?”

“Isn’t that tempting the Lord?”

“Not at all. There is nothing that does good and creates happiness that I despise. I despise hypocrisy and lies.”

“What will make things different?”

“The words you utter. The impact you will have on people. The way of life you make plain. The power you demonstrate.”

“When do we start?”

“It will take time, Jesus. You will learn. You will become a man, All in good time. We will start with the poor, Jesus. Happiness for the poor.’

“Do you prefer the poor to the rich?” Jesus asked.

“No, I would embrace the emperor if he sought me out. I would teach him what I am teaching you. When the poor are filled, they will be no different than those who are not poor now. Let’s get there first, Jesus!”

Jesus understood. It was right not to question what the world would be if there were no poor. It was right to bring happiness to the poor. That Jesus would learn to do. He made up his mind.

Stephen C. Rose is the author of Triadic Philosophy . He writes daily on Medium . His books are available on Kindle . Twitter is the center of his activities online.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!