Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


And so it is my wont to listen up

She speaks of places I will never go

I can’t even go to the next room

But language helps me get most anywhere

And legs have limits I cannot accept

Not when language spans the Universe


If she talks of flowers, no problem

Words will soon unveil a floral place

Memory, imagination, wonder

These and language sustain me

I direct myself to where I say

Heart intent will take me all the way

The Globe? I think tonight is Hamlet

Seventh Dimension Ah! A cheerful voice

Oh I suppose a ballgame might be hard

And there are surely loves I can’t access

But that was true before my legs gave out


I live content without the need to fly

I know we’ll fly in Heaven bye and bye


How do I socialize now thus confined

I get a hand to move to the next room

Then face to face with one or two or three

I am as social as I’ve ever been


Cultivate words as you nurture plants

Grow happy with the language that ensues

Silent or vocal you will gain control

And travel anywhere a Soul can go



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!