The President and the world face the same problem

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Global warming is the child of the car and the economy and global lifestyle we associate with growth and GDP and the idea of endless growth. This absurdity is patently at odds with reality, seen not merely as all there is but also as the direction of existence. We control that direction and always have. Generally we cede power to kings and despots. But however it happens it is we who govern. We knew 50 years ago that the things mentioned in the first sentence were coming to a head. But that did not keep us from failing to heed the voices of everyone from Rachel Carson on.

We will win this battle and the little article above invites the President to join it if he really wants to win the future. It will be a lot more peaceful if we do it together. It would take you days to explore everything to which the links visible from your perusal lead. The short way to say it is we we will have a growth economy forever but we will be the ones who do the growing.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!