Clown Manque

The reality was this preciousness from “The Adventures of the Boy Jesus”

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes



So the starting point was the logs. Logs were the huge barriers in any person preventing constructive criticism of someone else. The whole deal of living came down to this. Figure out a way to mutually criticize our way to progress. Once we do that we are home free.

Jesus’ mind was buzzing. He looked at people passing by with an intensity that alarmed those who looked back. He was trying to remove the log from his eye. It had to start with him. He actually reached out and tried to catch the log he was banishing. It was intense.

“Abba, Abba,” he cried excitedly.

“What is it, Jesus?”

“The log in my eye. How do I know if it’s out or in?”

“Practice,” Abba replied.


“Actions and statements indicate how you are seeing things. Practice is what you do.”

“Do you have to be aware all the time?”

“No. But it helps to check.”

Jesus paused and became lost for a moment in an image that had bothered him for a day. There was a boy who followed him, never bothering him, but seeming to aim at him, as if he wanted contact. The log made response impossible.

“Democracy,” he said.

“What about it?” Abba asked.

“It is as if you forgave everyone all at once. Everyone must be taken seriously.”

“Much easier to leave logs in place,” Abba replied.


“Jesus, everyone is precious. That’s the basis of justice. There’s this boy and you do not know what to think. Remove the log. What do you see?”

“Someone precious.”

“That’s all you need to know.”

“It’s that easy?”

“It’s that easy. For a first step.”

“What is the second?”

“Help him remove the speck from his eye.”

Jesus realized that logs and specks were merely a way of getting to a proper view of things. The reality was this preciousness and the need to see that it had no boundaries. Samaritan or Jew. No difference. How easily that would go down in Jerusalem!

Stephen C. Rose writes daily. Medium is his drafting board. Kindle his marketplace. You the reader his hopeful supporter. He promotes his thought and art on Twitter and has his own publication on Medium called Everything Comes which any new writer can join on the way to finding his or her way. Drafts of his fiction completed and in progress can be found on Coffeelicious which is also a Medium publication.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!