The Stark Simplicity of Politics

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2016

I keep having to remind myself how simple this all is. The pie above is among many that suggest how the US actually works and what politics is exactly about.

Cutting defense would not amount to enough to create a political revolution. But shaving it by a single percentage point would double one of these: Housing, Energy, Housing, Labor.

Politics is about allocating within this pie.

And this one suggests that the actual wiggle room in any slice is modest when you consider the whole. At best politics might produce slight changes.

So what are we frustrated by?

Slight changes will not do it. The political response to the above is so what?

This is Trump’s hole card.

This is Clinton’s damnation.

The answer lies in a Big New Thing. Big new things are always as plain as the NOSE on your face.

When it was time to shelve the HORSE, CARS.

When it was time to shelve us AS WE WERE. CYBER

We need to move to a world of CYBERCOMMUNITIES

Neither Trump nor Clinton get this. Sanders didn’t get it. Most Millennials are too Poked to care. The NAACP guy from North Carolina gets it. But nobody pays him any mind or even knows his name. If you are curious:


Let’s put it this way. He is on the threshold.

So here is the likely prognosis — GRIDLOCK and FURTHER BLINDNESS until 2020 when we may wake up and consider




Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!