
The stars were long gone

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I used to see the sky
almost casually there
A child cold or warm
I really can’t recall
Could have been anytime
The sky so calm so clear
like a monastery
minus holy unguents

I used to see the sky
in the pitch of dark
No need for any ornaments
I was lost from myself
There was nobody there
Nothing seemed to move
the sky was like a blanket
I saw my feet were bare
looking up and seeing stars

I never was so calm
Imagine that. How strange.
I’ve been star free for years

The cars gulped the cosmos
The urban hum came forth
To hear was to see
I hear better with age

Maybe my mother
was there, maybe not
when the stars appeared
hanging high above
at rest oblivious

No bird dared break silence
no air stirred the pines
Motionless the stars
would just process

Then when I was sleeping
came some kitchen noise
And then and then the stars were gone
never to return

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Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!