Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readOct 10, 2022


Everything has it’s conditions

Some of them easy, some tough

But the toughest condition among all of them

Is the toughest condition that goes unobserved


This is the toughest condition

Think of all that it gives up

It’s that we place spirituality first

It’s the easiest thing but the hardest to launch


Will we give up success, envy, money

Will we give up impressing the crowd

And give time to deep meditation instead

And turn to what matters most


That’s not a condition that’s really so tough

It merely involves waking up

And reading the signs of the times as divine

And seeing it all ends in Love


Placing spirituality first

Is the basic key to advance

It looks within and follows exclusively

Inner guidance from above


As we’re aware of this great seismic shift

We’re enabled to love everything

We know that our fate is bound up with the All

And that progress lies only this way


The toughest condition, the easiest way

The hardest condition’s the simplest

A great weight is lifted from nervous shoulders

And the way ahead opens forever


Forever connection with our soul alone

Our sovereign divinity

It is our way against all earthly floods

And our means of transcending all death



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!