Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I read around on Medium and find biases

For example the trashing of the positive

It is quite common to say life is hard

And those who say that it isn’t

Give positivity a bad name


Life is hard, ignoring what is painful

Is no more positive dissing doctors

Or refusing help

But when I see arch references to folk like me

Who champion the positive

I wonder who protests too much


There are two ways to look at life

Glass drainng down or

Half full more where that came from

Neither way skirts hurt or pain

Positive does not despair

Negativity tends to give up

Positive thinks critically

Negativity tends to place blame


Placebo is not phony it is real

So is heaven to those who’ve been there

So is nonviolence to the truly brave

So is helping others to the ethical

So is aesthetics to those who can see beauty everywhere

So is consciousness so those who look inside


I keep on my positive trajectory

I claim science on my side

I claim wisdom and sagacity

I’m for ego, push, and pride

But if I see a binary response here

A my way or the highway exclusion

Why then I will come here and make reply

You have just read it — it’s what I’ll stand by



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!