Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Ah, it was sad when that great ship went down

I mean Friedrich Nietzsche himself

Titanic mind

Whose madness seemed to be

His chosen destiny

But there is more


Taken with Wagner when his mind was young

N came to see that none of his imagined attributes of music

Could liberate the stuffed shirt lorgnette-wearing clients

Of Wagner’s Opera House

And so N’s mind moved on

He came on Sils Maria

And much more


High in those bracing Alps he suffered migraines

And wondered about Love

And soon met Lou Salome

And fell hard

Then came a dose of heartbreak

Over Lou and over

N’s abandoned Christian parents


But still he held that God is dead and slandered Jesus too

And wrote his Zarathustra

And felt he’d found his groove

But underneath he sensed

I think

There needed to be more


He penned aphorisms by the dozen

Learned about rejection

Saw his time was short

Perceived a closing door

But planned a master Values tome

It ended a confession


Upstairs at Sils there in the back

He penned The Antichrist

He let it slip that Jesus was

Indeed the only Christian

And thus past thinking crumbled down

Mid dreams about his father

And mind-bending conundrums


He moved to Turin, Italy

A Square was laid before him

A horse was beaten in the square

He ran to defend him

And then the madness time arrived

The madness closed him in

Friends came apace to take him home

I’d say conundrum won


His evil sister took him in — he was good propaganda

The Nazi lady had ideas

He sat alone upstairs a decade

Spectacle to see

And ended up an exhibit


Posthumous Nietzsche had a life

But few surmised the truth

Nietsche knew that values were

The key to future thinking

He had planned great works to come

But left instead his Jesus cue


Jesus had the bedrock values

He was the only Christian.

Tolerance the basic attitude

Helpfulness enablement for all

Democracy, the sovereignty of Souls

But with the end looming

Nietzsche could not face starting over


He with Peirce and Wittgenstein anchors our fair future

He for tagging values, Ludwig icon-clasm, Peirce Cosmic holism

We poise ourselves before our Consciousness

For now we see that Spirit rules

Yes, Spirit is the way

And each Soul holds its own genius

Each Soul’s a Zarathustra


I do not expect my thesis to be honored

Those on the other side can have their say

Jesus for me is the only Christian

For now he’s free to serve every last Soul

And free from the straitjacket of Church-lingo

His pristine goal is not that hard to see

We are all bound for an enlarged hereafter

Presaged by the mind of Mr. Nietzshe

Who lives among the Souls we’ll one day meet



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!