Seeing the light

The Values Century

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2015


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See The End of Virtue

15 years of idiocy, but this is still The Values Century. Values replace virtues. Democracy triumphs.

2000–2005 George Bush’s Terror Idiocy

This consisted in two events of such all-surpassing idiocy that we have yet even to process them save for having to witness the daily suicide of those sucked into the vortex of the Bush Cheney Iraq Fiasco. George Bush reacted to 9/11 not by declaring the end of War in preference for savvy Police Action with a Sherlock Holmes logic at work. He opted for a credit card slaughter that nearly bankrupted the country, just as Al Queda intended.

2005–2010 The American Double Collapse Idiocy

Great hopes proved false as Barack Obama’s Presidency was immediately beset by 1. The Collapse of the Sprawl Economy and 2. The Treason of the GOP. Both of these had roots so deep that they have determined the agenda for the rest of the century. Basic Income. Democracy. But almost nobody grasped that at the time.

2010–2015 Doubling Down on Double Idiocy

The country coasted blindly into oligarchy. The GOP doubled down on traitor behavior. Progressives generally gave up. The result was the rubbing raw of racism and xenophobia. And general wondering what was next. Into the vortex of these sad half-decades, there stepped, what?

Here is what I think. What I have always thought.

I knew that Barack Obama was too early and that he would be crucified by the GOP. I knew that the Arab Spring was wrong-headed because it did not embrace complete nonviolence.

What I had always thought was that the first date at which America would actually wake up from the torpor that set in with the end of the 1960s, was the year 2020. That was when vision would clear. The drug-induced, consumer-drenched, debt-ridden, celebrity-worshipping half-century from 1970 on would come to a merciful end.

In this scenario, maybe Hillary Clinton emerges as John the Baptist.

But no!

What I envision for 2020 is not the emergence of yet another President who will save us, but the triumph of a global consensus too powerful to ignore.

It will involve the triumph of the simple but revolutionary agenda noted in this and other works that I have labored over in anticipation of the coming sea change. Other powerful voices are creating a wave of assent already.

Here are the features of what I see for 2020 and they can all be summarized as the makings of what I am calling

The Values Century

This century, the one we are in, will enjoy in the next five years

a massive alienation from war and violence,

a growing realization that

work by the sweat of our brows is no longer necessary

and see that

we are all meant to become practitioners of democracy

wherever we are.

The only voices that can herald this are the unknowns of whom I am one. It cannot come from the institutions that will be either bypassed or transformed as the century unfolds. It cannot come from the governments whose militaries will be cut in half and whose destiny is to serve a fair and just regulatory function with no power to control the lives of those who have determined that at long last they will govern themselves.

Basic Income



The three pillars. The only platform needed for the revolution of this century.

It will be a pleasure and a joy to spread this message until it resounds in every quarter, and to refute all arguments against it.

The Values Century witnesses the death of the virtue ethic we inherited from Aristotle.

It is underway. In the next five years the message will get out. In the next 85 years, it will be won.


Under the influence of Charles Sanders Peirce, I have launched an idea called Triadic Philosophy. It is summarized in the Kindle book Triadic Philosophy 100 Aphorisms . A free sample can be accessed by clicking Look Inside.

Triadic Philosophy grew into several more books outlining specific methods of triadic meditation and thinking. “The End of Virtue“ is among several follow-up texts that examine expressions of, and propose actions related to, triadic thought.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!