Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Forward is not the way of arms

Forward is power of but one kind

Love power, Love energy

These are the only forms of power worth admiring

Love power, Love energy

Yes, Love alone must rule our worlds

From now on


Souls are the only Sovereign entity

Not nations nor confederacies

None of these

Not racial gatherings

Or any other form of division

If we cannot see Souls as Sovereign

We are blind to Heaven’s intent

Earth errs if Souls remain unrecognized


The world will undergo great turmoil

Due to warming’s readjustments

The only source of wealth will be Soul power

Communities will form based on acknowledgement

Affinity and Love

Affirm the Sovereignty of Souls

Affirm Love is the only guide of all behavior


Deal with opposition

With nonviolence

Have the courage to die

Courage to stand tall when faced by

Scorn, attack, nefarious assault

Souls are eternal indestructible

No human being can die

Stand fast in that and

Let Love lead the way


The way forward respects

Loving guidance

Guidance of those who are awake to

These thoughts

And guidance from within to

Every Soul who seeks it

The way forward is the only way

That truly overcomes



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!