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There is a double scam at the center of Trump’s fake tax legislation

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2017


UPDATE 11/31 The Trump Tax Obamacare Repeal effort is hardly a done deal. Don’t be fooled. Even if the Senate lacks the courage to kill it now it would need reconciliation with the House bill. There are lots of wildcards. Dems need to have a unified resistance strategy that speaks the truth.


“Either this bill is a big tax hike on the middle class, or it’s a huge budget-buster. Which is it? Nobody really knows; probably even the people who wrote this monstrosity don’t know. But someone is being scammed, bigly.”

The middle class is being baited by some cuts that will disappear or be offset by Trump medical hikes and the bill as a whole will explode the budget. Paul Krugman lays it out at the URL above.

The solution to our problem is a conscious and radical leveling of our economy so that the top can make no more than a reasonable profit. The present system creates ongoing explosive profit for those with assets that sit there doing nothing. Paper.

Meanwhile new servitude is imposed on the rest in the form of death by wars and suicides and opioids and insanity due to double bind policies by the Commander-in-Chief. The main servitude is rampant debt and various forms of usury by the established classes. Evil.

The reduction of harm is the purpose of the conscious life. Consciousness is standing for tolerance, helpfulness and democracy. These three universal values applied to any action will almost always result in a solution that contains elements of truth and beauty.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!