Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


I’ve spent a day looking at things that have to do with UFOs and Abductions. So I’ll jump to the chase. Most of what I gather on the subject is intensely local. Galactic, you might say. Our sense of life in outer space is confined to nearby groups called Greys and other names that suggest to me that anyplace life can exist, it will exist.

But if we are looking for humanoid planets, Thiaoouba is it. At the moment Thaioouba limits its contact with us to one visitor a Century.

Thiaoouba is located at the far, far end of our Galaxy. It has had an intimate relationship with us. And still does.

It helped establish the first humanoid civilization here. That was made up of Black and Yellow races from the Planet Bakaratini. These arrivals created great advanced civilizations. They were able to fly. They had Spaceships. They maintained spiritual harmony.

They built Pyramids which served as communication centers, connected with the rest of the Cosmos. Over time, these civilizations grew to many millions living amicably, with the exception of a secessionist group of Blacks who settled in Africa.

Unfortunately, all of Earth collided with a large Asteroid which essentially brought the human population of the Earth to Zero more than 14,500 years ago.


Times and distance are nothing to humanoid planets at higher levels of advancement. As I’ve indicated, Earth is at Level One — the lowest.

Thiaoouba is at Level Nine, the highest.

We on Earth do not enjoy what should be normal reality, regular amicable contact with other humanoid planets. The reason is our dismal Spiritual existence. It’s in the cellar. Our technical capacities are built around massive piles of armaments. Our commercial technology veers toward violence and other low-level pursuits. Our culture is steeped in violence and money. The results show the depths we sink to.

We are as loved as anyone else in the Cosmos. We are simply deemed unsafe and hostile.

So the surprise is: We haven’t seen anything yet.

But we will, if and when we move on.

We would like nothing better than a peaceful Cosmos, running on good will, ferrying people about who want peaceable contact.

This could become normal with us, maybe in a few thousand years.

If we last that long.


Yes, it is true. An asteroid wiped out Earth’s advanced and peaceable civilizations entirely over 14,500 years ago.

Why is this not an event we find unacceptable?

Because death is universal and does not end our existence.

Races that populate Earth populate Heaven the next day. We all have Souls (Astral forms) which are indestructible.

Reincarnation is not fantasy.

Whatever the reason, nature takes its course. That does not invalidate the Law of the Universe: Spiritual Existence based on Self love and Love for All Others.

The Universe has clear and definite hazards. Our job is to live on, regardless, trusting what is and what will be.


A complete account of Michel Desmarquet’s 1977 journey to Thiaoouba is available at Set your own price.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!