This is tangential but bear with me.

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2015


Magic is never made by one alone

This is tangential but bear with me. This is the most likely place to repeat my theory, offered numerous times, that any difficulties President Obama might have encountered at the start of his White House tenure would have been alleviated by the continued, hands-on presence of David Plouffe. I thought then that he was reminiscent of Bobby Kennedy message wise and political smarts wise. I had encouraged Bobby to run against LBJ in 1966 and feel I helped convince him. Anyone as stung as I by that past would understood why I was vocally supportive of Barack Obama. I wrote various pieces I doubt David ever saw advocating that he have a right-hand position and essentially continue as the President’s closest adviser. Maybe I was simply wrong. Maybe the folk who filled in were as good as could be expected. But it remains my assumption that the political agility needed to get through the first two years of presidency would have been massively increased had my idea been accepted, had there been no break — I understand why one was needed — and had David been helping call the shots. Enough said. I just wanted to record what I continue to think within hearing distance of the subject.

I largely agree with being for Hillary now. In fact I think she will be a great President.

Stephen C. Rose is the author of Triadic Philosophy . He writes daily on Medium . His books are available on Kindle . Twitter is the center of his activities online.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!