Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Imagine you have made a solemn pledge

To spend some time somewhere you want to be

It is like jumping off a higher ledge

To a place where you may haply see

Conflicts, love trysts and tragedies

Without recalling where your real home is


This is the state of everyone on earth

We come here largely void of memory

We choose what’s good and bad and in between

We go through life’s large range of ups and downs

We question everything. We test all bounds


And when we die we pass straight back to Home

To Spirit form, Soul knowledge, and normality

As far removed from Earth as we can be

Though with our earthly personalities


Imagine then one who has so lived on

As part of a great line from distant past

Who kept on choosing to return

And then come back again — Soul after Soul


This endless line may seem unreal

But it’s a narrative we hear

Our lives on Earth are visits nothing else

Our human form becomes a Heaven form


Our Spirit form is what we were, made new

Yet one more frame of all Experience

A distinct part of Source, of all there is

With access to innumerable locales


So really nothing is the end

We dim and shine, then do the same again

What binds it all together is just love

Our simple choice, compassionate and right

A choice that stays directed to the Light


Our temporary visits may go on

And on and on and on and on and on

In timeless presence, space invisible

By mental choice, by heart-directed guide

We end up sovereign rulers of our lives

Just as we could do here most anytime



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!