Three Seminal Philosophers Meet In Heaven

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Nov 2, 2020


To whom does this appearance come. To one who reads and sees.

PEIRCE You saw me riding in a train. You saw my Spirit form. You had just made a comment there. I found it interesting.

NIETZSCHE That comment said that there are three who heralded philosophy writ for the ordinary soul to forge a way to become whole.

WITTGENSTEIN Ah. Why was I included. Why?

ME Because you cleared the dross away. You and Friedrich paved the way. And Pierce is your Triadic friend.

PEIRCE Indeed it’s not been easy here. Even Souls can be testy. When egos are entangled well they can sneak in and wreak a bit.

ME But now there is a common cause. The SHIFT that moves beyond old laws and unifies heaven and earth more closely than ever before.

WITTGENSTEIN I’ll vouch my Soul plan had some twists. I never dreamed coming to this. But this alone completes the quest. And reconciles me. This is best.

NIETZSCHE And you Steve plumbed my madness well. And what a story it still tells. I ended in my father’s home rehearsing pains that would soon come.

ME You met Jesus and you were changed. And God in you got rearranged.

PEIRCE Our meeting is no accident. Proximity in so many ways. I welcome this Triadic way.

ME I welcome this new dawning day.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!