Triadic Philosophy Believes Things Are Better Than That

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readDec 19, 2015





Pierce’s arch suspicions of psychology a century ago contain a measure of perspicacity. My own sense today is: It will be some time until psychology agrees that logic is goodness.

This premise is not popular in a world locked in a bear-hug with media that magnify every evil while studiously ignoring normality, reason, goodness and love. Christmas offers minuscule respite from a diet of mayhem and counter-mayhem.

Such mayhem is countered by the probable decline in religious fanaticism, a likely collapse of the fossil-fuel economy and, best of all, the non-violent iconoclasm of a younger generation that shares with at least some old a consciousness inclining toward the good.

The good is the loser in today’s environment. Its entrance must be clothed in irony and acerbity to win a hearing. Only comedians with a mind seem able to succeed. Still, there is compensation in being on the winning side even in the shadows of mindlessness.

The introspective is the pathway to contact with the higher self. A good thing to remember when you have a moment.

Peirce: CP 2.42 Cross-Ref:††

42. Modern psychology has made an admirable beginning. Every student of exact science who is in a situation to judge of what has been accomplished in this department must applaud it with his whole heart. Yet that it is only a beginning is shown by its present tendency to turn upon its axis, without making any great advance. Matters of brain-physiology and matters of consciousness elbow one another in unsympathetic juxtaposition, in a way which can only be transitional, and is a sign for us, as well as we can look forward to conceptions not yet attained, that psychologists do not yet understand what mind is, nor what it does. I am not at all prepared to clear the matter up; but I dimly discern, I think, that the physiological view has not sufficiently affected the introspective aspect; and possibly the converse is true, also. Perhaps the introspection is mainly illusion due to quasi-logical interpretations.†1



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!