TRIADIC WORLD is the smartest look at the future there is

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2016

Originally written for and published on NEWSVINE

Stephen Rose, originator of Triadic Philosophy, announced the publication of TRIADIC WORLD: Advanced Thinking and called it “the smartest look at the future there is.”

The new book, available for $2.99 only on Kindle, joins over 100 original texts Rose believes will become the nucleus of a global publishing venture of million-sellers. Short books written for the young. They cover all aspects of a 50-year quest for clarity on how we can move from a world based on conflict to one that rests on principles of nonviolence and universal values.

“These books understand we are moving past binary culture to a triadic world. A world more tolerant, helpful and democratic. Nowhere is this world better outlined than in TRIADIC WORLD.” Rose suggests.

The text outlines a globe that is largely democratic, that has accepted the phasing out of oil and the car as the basis of the economy. The world is evolving cybercommunities, highly-adaptable, high-tech cities where the emphasis is on people prospering in an economy that works for all.

“We are not utopians. We know we are fallible. But we do make progress. And TRIADIC WORLD will help us all think about what that means,” Rose said.

Rose, a lifelong writer and musician, is the author and publisher of Esto Books which are publicized exclusively on NEWSVINE.

You can read a free sample and purchase TRIADIC WORLD at the address below.

TRIADIC WORLD: Advanced Thoughts by Stephen C. Rose

Here, exclusively, are the first three of more than 200 thoughts of varying lengths that will get you started scoping out a viable future for ourselves and our children.

1. Triadic philosophy assumes that the age of the automobile is ending along with the age of oil.

2. The end of oil and the eclipse of the automobile are essential to the creation of a just planet.

3. The world has so increased the speed of change that this very century will see developments that lead us past the current age.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!