Triadic Philosophy Entry Point

TRISM — My Name for what Triadic Philosophy Integrates

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Here is the seminal tweet of what rose from a meditative moment this very day.

TRISM is what you get when you read some George Berkeley whose books are mainly free and get some guidance and figure out what’s included in anything that has a right to pass for holistic thinking in this divisive era.

I was going to explain this but I already have, sort of. I am also seeing how everything on semiotics has been cannibalized by the academy. Not so in my books on the subject which to my knowledge no one has read. Semiotics is everything as we perceive it and we perceive in signs as Peirce noted before he went to the great beyond largely undiscovered. All this stuff is flooding in.

Oh, and I edited this page down to a minimal offering. Cheers. S



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!