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Trump is the American Empire’s President — not our’s

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes


Do me a favor —read my articles. Blasting News pays its writers according to that metric. I believe writers should be thus paid. I disapprove of firewalls and most subscription schemes. Ultimately we should each be our own businesses and avoid the binary distinction of occupation and person. Income is good.

I have decided to throw my lot in with people who are marginalized because they refer to America as an empire. But all this means is that the deep state that everyone knows runs our country. We don’t if we ever did. I am not saying we need to be an empire forever. Nor am I even advocating that we become explicitly socialist. I have written a careful book (ebook excuse me) on the subject. I maintain we need to reject neo-liberalism and become cyber-liberals or real liberals just plain liberals. Liberal is honorable, it moves toward nonviolence. It rejects the decision to invest over a trillion in the military industrial secret and not and penalize the people of the country. Trump would probably love to be seen as an imperial president. I am hopeful we have a shred of law left and that we can send him back to his houses and trophy family.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes

steverose@gmail.com I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!