Another iteration of cybercommunities which are my glorious and unsung alternatives to the car-infested world of today’s emulative atrocities known as cities.

Tweet Number Three — Regarding The LIE that is called a Tax and Jobs Bill but is really REPEAL of Obamacare with a monster blow to our entire economy

Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2017


Yes on Twitter you can write long tweets now which more of less ENDS it. I can write long anywhere but there before they went double. I don’t know why they locked my account or when they will unlock it if ever. And in the scheme of things it is not important. Unless words matter and truth matters and the message of the headline is understood.

Obamacare Repeal Is Back — in the Republican Tax Bill — The Atlantic

3 days ago — The GOP’s High-Risk Move to Whack Obamacare in Its Tax Bill … would add the repealof Obamacare’s individual insurance mandate to the …

I am discovering how to tweet on Medium. Just copy the search result as above and paste it. You cannot tweet to Medium. So this is the next best thing. If this works it is probably better than Twitter in its present iteration.

Here you go:

Senate GOP tax bill will include repeal of ObamaCare mandate | TheHill…/360327-thune-senate-tax-bill-will-include-repeal-of-obamacare-mandat…

3 days ago — That bill funds key payments to insurers for two years in exchange for more flexibility for states to change ObamaCare rules. “I’m pleased the Senate Finance Committee has accepted my proposal to repeal the Obamacare individual mandate in the tax legislation,” Cotton said in a statement.

I hope Cotton hops down the Bunny Trail and ends up needing intensive care but is LOCKED OUT of his preferred insurance.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!