Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes
2 min readJan 5, 2022


The commentators who tell us how the Internet has failed, miss one big thing. The fact that it is democratizing the entire planet. Even with growing pains its influence is huge,

The reason is two-fold.


It has broken open the common elements in religion that mean that in the future a secularizing world will embrace a new form of religion — Spirituality: a way of living that does not give first place to any tradition, but which is intensely interested in the power of love and justice to actually alter our lives. The Internet is a feast of free content that enables a person seeking enlightenment to gain great progress without going around the world and spending a fortune.


The Internet has made formerly elite educational resources available to all. There is no subject that was once the province of higher education that is not found online. And this will only grow. Education is now universal and driven by individuals who can learn in their own way and on their own schedule. This is a revolution that means rising expectations, long understood as a generator of massive change.


The blame heaped on the Internet may well be driven by the recognition that it is a truly new world that is growing up with the generations that will soon be taking things over. Nothing will be as it has been.

A world that was cyclical civilizations rising and falling, repeating the same wondrous achievements and falling to the same deadly forces, is over. The future belongs to individuals anywhere and everywhere who will muse about an interdependent future that is more decent and democratic than ever before.

There will be resistance for sure. But those for whom the word WE means all of us are in the drivers seat.

And the Internet is where we will go, both to see and create what will be happening.



Stephen C. Rose
Everything Comes I am 86 and remain active on Twitter and Medium. I have lots of writings on Kindle modestly priced and KU enabled. We live on!